Branches of chemistry.

1.Organic chemistry:   IT is study of  most carbon containing compounds

Application: pharmaceuticals, different industries , research, plastic,

 2.Inorganic chemistry:  IT is the study all elements others than carbon . Means others compound which contains carbon this also come under inorganic chemistry.

Application:  minerals, metals& non- metals, semiconductor, electrochemistry, research.

3.Physical chemistry:  The study of behaviour & changes of matter &the releted energy changes.
Application: chemical kinetics, thermodynamics, viscosity, surface tension.

4.Analytical chemistry: compounds & their composition analysis, industry, production.
Application :industry food nutrients, quality control.

5.Biochemistry: chemistry related to living organisms.
Application: fermentation, DMLT, Pharmaceuticals ..,etc.

6.Polymer chemistry: chemical synthesis structure.
Application: plastic, rubber, textile fabric & advanced materials.

 7.Nano chemistry: combination of chemistry & nanoscience dependant on size, surface, shape & defects properties.
Application: buildings , small materials.

 8.Green chemistry: green chemistry is eco-friendly chemistry we  can say that it deals with the formation of products which are not hazardous.
Application : industry , research.


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