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Miracle tree
Moringa olefira ( शेवग्याचे झाड) Protein: 9.4 g (per 100 g) Energy: 64 Calories (per 100 g) Calcium: 185 mg (per 100 g) Vitamin c: 51.7 mg (per 100 g) Iron: 4 mg (per 100 g) Scientific name: Moringa oleifera This tree has lots of health benefits. It is high source of protein, calcium, vitamin, iron & easily available.the leaf , seed& fruit are all very useful.
Basic Chemistry introduction
"chemistry is the science of molecules & their transformations. IT is the science not so much of the 100 elements but of infinite variety of molecules that may be built from them". " No single industry in the world can't be run without chemistry". Chemistry includes lot of branches organic, inorganic, medical, biochemistry, pharmacology, polymer chemistry, metallurgy, nanotechnology etc... Everything around We see is application of chemistry. Chemistry is the heart of science. This is my first blog .I give Introduction about chemistry . For daily updates about chemistry see this Blog. vidhateashish9@gmail.com
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